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NZ Day_6

Picton : Trail to Charlotte View Point
For our second day in Picton we decided to go on a trail : the Snout Track . It offers beautifull views on the bay (pls. refer to the pics). Tomorrow, when we will be on the ferry to the North Island we will pass this bay on water.
And before we went on the trail, there wa a little nice surprise: a lot MG.s (see below; not machine guns!).
And in the night we were alerted by the following : thesitewizard.com But we were lucky. No problem occurred!

Beautifull scenery : from Charlotte View Point
Sign Post at View Point
Snout Track
GPS Track towards Charlotte View Point

Habour view from the trail
Seen on the trail
Bay View

Some 40 well resturated MG,s  – Midgwt cars; from the times, when Britain had still a significant car industry.

Midget cars from 1932 to 1964
Nice blur convertible